est dental braces in Hyderabad

What are Dental Braces?

Braces are dental appliances that aid in the correction of dental issues such as crowding, crooked teeth, and out-of-alignment teeth. However, one of its most prevalent uses is in treating maloccluded (crooked) teeth.

Ideally positioned teeth are very rare; most people have malaligned teeth, which may range from mild to severe irregularities. Braces help them correct their irregularities.

Common irregularities in teeth that needs braces

Mild irregularities of teeth:

 It doesn’t cause any functional problems, but for cosmetic purposes, it can be treated to improve a person’s appearance and self-esteem.

Moderate to severe irregularities of teeth

These require immediate treatment to prevent the functional problems

For curing or preventing functional problems caused by Irregularly placed teeth, braces are highly recommended. 

Functional problems:

Chewing and digestive issues, TMJ disorder, speech impediments, tooth wear, and other issues are all related. 

When to undergo braces treatment

Tooth alignment problems are usually easier to correct if dental braces are placed soon after the eruption of permanent teeth, up until adolescence. The orthodontist [braces specialist]will evaluate each individual case and decide whether or not to begin braces treatment or the type of braces to be used. Still, they must be consulted before the tooth alignment problems cause any damage to the teeth.

Where to undergo braces treatment in Hyderabad?

Hyderabad dental clinic & implant centre is a comprehensive and fully integrated Best Dental Hospital in Hyderabad with experienced dentists who offers the best braces treatment at affordable price

At what age should I have orthodontic treatment (braces)?

The best time to have braces treatment is usually during childhood, but adults can – and are increasingly doing so. In children, waiting for sufficient teeth to emerge may be necessary before beginning treatment.

Types of braces

3  most commonly used braces in Hyderabad are

  1. stainless steel metal braces
  2. Ceramic braces
  3. Invisalign

stainless steel metal braces

Stainless steel metal braces

The most common type of dental braces are stainless steel metal braces (nickel-titanium). Generally, these traditional metal braces are the most economical option. 

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces

 They are also known as tooth-colored braces, are made of composite material, and they are less noticeable than metal braces. This type of dental braces is suitable for patients concerned about their appearance, but they are much more expensive. On the other hand, Ceramic brackets are more brittle and prone to breakage, so they are not recommended for cases requiring high pressures to move teeth.



The Invisalign system uses a series of clear plastic custom-made trays to move teeth into their position; the Invisalign system requires a new teeth aligner tray every two weeks. Each teeth aligner is manufactured with exact CADCAM technology(computer-aided designing and computer-aided technology) to shift the teeth into their final position gradually.

Invisalign system braces are ideal for those with slight orthodontic problems, as they are almost invisible and much less noticeable than classic metal braces. They are not recommended for severe malocclusions—Invisalign help to maintain good oral hygiene as they can be removed easily during eating or brushing.

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